VeeMee addresses various stakeholders in the supply chain industry – farmers, agricultural cooperatives, food sourcing industry, retail chains, NGOs, governments and all other parties interested in achieving sustainable, resource-efficient food cycle. Today, VeeMee solution is recognized as one most used solutions on the market.
VeeMee zero-waste solutions help FMCG ecosystem stakeholders eradicate food waste, increase profits and alleviate fresh food product placement on the market.
Food Traceability of goods from producer through suppliers towards the end consumer. Realized through the neutral label of origin with the QR code pointing to PID profile on VeeMee platform. Our labels hold distinctive message “Find out what you really eat” encouraging consumers to learn about individuals and companies behind the product, encouraging the awareness about the food they consume. Knowledge of food origins and products path to shelves strengthens consumer loyalty and contributes to product sales. VeeMee Platform currently holds data on producers and their products, certificates and capacities, their partners and suppliers, as well as on market news and trends. Platform
ensures transparent information is provided through hyperlinked profiles and database search functionality to any user using any device and from any location. Smart Logistics cover complete logistic coordination of any moving goods in physical, informational and organizational aspects, with a primary goal of returning goods to retail or finding other applicable use-case. We are eliminating or reducing losses and logistic costs for our clients through application of our know-how, procedures and by providing the central warehousing and transport solution.
Find them on:
Biggest market place in EU for producers
VeeMee coin
Exchange CO2e
We joined GBC HUB to find useful information and resources for our startup. There is a lot of information and communication going on, and we appreciate all the opportunities to connect with other entrepreneurs and potentially find partners for VeeMee.
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